AeroVee Turbo Cooling System Update: Hot Weather Data

Fall is now upon us, but our AeroVee Turbo test team managed to run an EXTREME Hot Weather Test of the AeroVee Turbo Cooling System in mid-September, and the results are impressive. As we’ve learned in logging past tests, ground runs are far-more abusive to any air cooled engine. Builders should avoid extended ground run… Read More
March 5, 2018: AeroVee Turbo Cooling System Bill of Materials Available
Since the release of our Preliminary Report of this project on February 6th, the AeroVee Turbo development team has made more refinements to the system, including the use of a new waterproof and dustproof fan designed for under-the-hood automotive applications, yet still having light weight and low current draw. Flight testing of the system began… Read More
AeroVee Turbo Cooling System Preliminary Report: February 6, 2018
In recent weeks Sonex Aircraft has made great progress on a new liquid cooling system for the AeroVee Turbo. The purpose of this system is to reliably reduce temperatures of the turbocharger bearing block to reduce the chances of oil coking and turbo seizing. History: Around mid-year 2016 Sonex Aircraft began receiving reports of turbo… Read More
October 29, 2014: EAA and Sonex Hosts AeroVee Turbo Webinar [video archive]
Webinar: AeroVee Turbo Engine See More Sonex Aircraft Webinars! Return to the Hornets’ Nest/Onex Archive
It’s Turbo Time! Sonex Aircraft Accepts AeroVee Turbo Orders

PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE It’s Turbo Time! Sonex Aircraft Accepts AeroVee Turbo Orders July 27, 2014, Oshkosh, WI Sonex Aircraft announced at a press and customer briefing this morning that orders are now being accepted for the long-anticipated AeroVee Turbo, with deliveries to commence in the fourth quarter of 2014. The AeroVee Turbo is… Read More
June 21, 2011: EAA and Sonex Hosts AeroVee Turbo Webinar [video archive]
Webinar: AeroVee Turbo See More Sonex Aircraft Webinars! Return to the Hornets’ Nest/Onex Archive
AeroVee Turbo Progress Update: September 9, 2010
First Flight Video: The AeroVee Turbo first flew on August 30th, installed in the factory prototype Waiex. See the short video at right taken of the first flight, including a brief interview with pilot Drew Waterworth. More information about the first flight and AeroVee Turbo project goals can be found in our September 3, 2010… Read More
AeroVee Turbo Progress Update: September 3, 2010
Sonex is pleased to announce that flight testing has begun on the Turbocharged AeroVee engine installation in our factory Waiex. The intent of this project is to continue the Sonex tradition of continuous improvement for our products by developing an economical, light-weight, simple, and reliable retrofit turbocharging system for the AeroVee engine. The obvious benefits… Read More
EAA video interview with John Monnett: AeroVee Turbo
EAA video interview with John Monnett: AeroVee Turbo Return to the Hornets’ Nest/AeroVee Turbo
Aero-News Podcast: AeroVee Turbo
Aero-News Podcast interview with Mark Schaible about AeroVee Turbo (follows E-Flight segment with Jeremy Monnett). (Click to Listen) Return to the Hornets’ Nest/AeroVee Turbo